Infos Sports of Saturday, 28 November 2015

Source: Cameroon Tribune

Limbe Stadium – Governor puts pressure on contractors

The Governor of the South West Region, Bernard Okalia Bilai, has expressed concern over the slowness of accompanying works on the Limbe modern stadium so as to enable it host next year’s female Africa Cup of Nations.

The 20,000-seat Limbe stadium was completed by a Chinese company many months ago, but facilities including access roads, parking lodges, electricity and water supply, ticketing office, and the training stadiums still remain to be done.

According to the Governor, after visiting the construction site on Wednesday, November 25, 2015, the three companies contracted to carry out the works are behind schedule.

“Some of the enterprises seem to have problems with take-off. However, we are behind them because actually they have consumed 25 percent of their time but have not done up to 12 percent of the work. It is preoccupying and they must tell us how they are planning to catch up with time. The only thing sure about them is that they are on the site but December festivities are coming and the rains will set in by mid next year to constitute other handicaps to the speedy execution hurry in their work”, the Governor told the engineers as he went round the work sites in Limbe.

However, the enterprises have eight months to do their work, which is until June next year. The BUNS Company contracted to construct the access road to the Limbe stadium complained of the distance from where they have to bring laterite.

For the training stadiums in Middle Farms and the Centenary Stadium in Limbe, the Chinese contracted to do the work reassured the Governor that all will be fine except for difficulties concerning electricity supply for which they need a three-phased metre.

They arrived in Cameroon only two weeks ago and have begun installing their equipment on the work site. The Governor who had earlier visited the works some two weeks ago was not impressed with progress made so far. But the control mission, Didon Consult, assured the Governor all will be fine.