Sports Features of Saturday, 1 November 2014

Source: Nkongho Felix Agbor Anyior

Open letter to the President, FECAFOOT Normalisation Committee

Dear Sir:

Uncertainty In Number, Identity Of Teams In The Southwest Regional Championship

I write in connection with the uncertainty in the number and identity of teams participating in the Southwest Regional Championship 2013/2014. The 2013/2014 Championship started with 22 teams affiliated to the Southwest Regional League. The fixtures for the championship included all the 22 teams divided in three (3) pools A, B and C.

These 22 teams were:

1. Muaneguba
2. Skispodev
3. Treviso FC
4. Kumba Lakers
5. Manyu FC
6. Eyonde FC
7. Continental FC
9. Buea United
11. Best stars
12. Cinyodev
13. Prisons
14. Little Foot FC
15. UB FC
16. NQSA
17. Africa Dream FC
18. Victoria United
19. Ekona FC
20. Mount Cameroon FC
21. Botafogo FC
22. Shark FC

However, in spite of the fact that the fixtures contained 22 teams, only 20 teams effectively participated in the League. Shark FC played just one match, while Botafogo FC did not play any of the matches. Meanwhile, the Championship was suspended after four matches for close to four months.

On the October 5, 2014, the Secretary General of the Southwest Regional League of FECAFOOT signed a communiqué announcing the resumption of the championship in four pools. The Communiqué also carried the entire fixtures for the year. The fixtures revealed that there were now just 20 teams in the Championship.

The communiqué also stated that the Homologation and Disciplinary Commission shall meet on October 22 to homologate the first round.

The league Championship effectively resumed on the October 12 in all four pools; A, B, C and D.

The 20 participating teams, as shown on the fixtures published by the Southwest Regional Bureau of FECAFOOT and signed by the Secretary General on the October 7, are:

1. Muaneguba
2. Skispodef
3. Treviso FC
4. Kumba Lakers
5. Manyu FC
6. Eyonde FC
7. Continental FC
9. Buea United
11. Best stars
12. Cinyodev
13. Prisons
14. Little Foot FC
15. UB FC
16. NQSA
17. Africa Dream FC
18. Victoria United
19. Ekona FC
20. Mount Cameroon FC

It is glaring that Botafogo FC and Shark FC have not been included in the fixtures. This is a clear indication that both teams have been declared general forfeiture. However, an official decision has not been made.

Sir, six playing days into the championship, one of the teams in Pool A of the new fixtures, to wit: MUANEGUBA, has not played any of the six (6) matches.

That is to say they have failed to attend all the matches of the league. Also, in Pool A, another team; SKISPODEF, played just two of the six matches in the first round and did not participate in their first match of the second round that started on October 25, 2014.

Sir, following Article 38 of Reglement du Championnat Regional Saison 2013/2014 “Un club déclarant ou déclare forfeit á deux reprises au cours de la méme saison est considéré forfeit général avec application de l’article 91 du Code Disciplinaire de la FECAFFOT”.

Considering that BOTAFOGO FC of Buea and SHARK FC have voluntarily opted out of the ongoing Southwest Regional Championship and their names do not feature in the latest fixtures;

Considering that SKIPODEF and MUANEGUBA have each forfeited at least two matches in the ongoing Southwest Regional Championship;

We make bold to state that, in line with the recently adopted FECAFOOT Statutes and Article 38 of the Reglement du Championnat, the above four teams: BOTAFOGO FC, SHARK FC, SKYPODEF FC and MUANEGUBA should have been officially declared General Forfeiture.

In that case, we shall be left with just 18 teams.

As of today the October 27, 2014, the Homologation and Disciplinary Committee of Southwest has not officially declared these four (4) teams general forfeiture as expressly prescribed by Article 38 (1) of Reglement du Championnat Regional Saison 2013/2014 and also to apply the sanctions provided in article 91 of the Disciplinary Code. The situation is compounded by the fact that the Homologation and Discipline Committee recently sat but its resolutions were never made public. The outcome of all this is that the present position as to the actual number of teams officially registered and participating in the Southwest Championship and their identity is fluid.

Sir, as we prepare for regional elections on November 7, there are lots of manipulations and the delay by the Homologation Committee to apply the provisions of Article 38 (1) and 91, respectively, that might not be unconnected to the forth-coming elections.

With the present dispensation, we would not be surprised that representatives of these teams pop up as delegates at the elective congress of FECAFOOT scheduled for November 7.

Sir, permit me to cite DIRECTIVES No 003/FCF/PCN/2014: PORTANT SUR L’EXECUTION DES DISPOSITIONS RELATIVES AUX ELECTIONS AU SEIN DES LIGUES REGIONALES signed by Your Excellency, the President of the Normalisation Committee. Article 1, Paragragh 4 of the said Directives titled: Sur la composition des colleges électoraux, states :

"Il importe de reliever que seuls les clubs ayant participé au championnat regional saison 2012 ou ayant été relégués du championnat professional Ligue 2 ou ayant été promus du championnat départemental a l’issue de la saison 2012/2013 et qui participant effectivement au championnat regional saison 2012/2014, seront admis á l’Assemblée général élective de 2014.”

Sir, I don’t want to get into the merits of the entire paragraph. I just wish to reiterate on the last sentence of the paragraph which states that “…et qui participant effectivement au championnat regional saison 2013/2014, seront admis á l’Assemblée general élective de 2014”.

Pursuant to this last sentence, teams, which are not effectively participating in the 2013/2014 regional league, shall not be part of the elective general Assembly.

From this strand of reasoning, the failure of MUANEGUBA FC to play any of its matches this 2013/2014 season and also of SKISPODEF who has missed four of its matches means that both teams are NOT effectively participating in the regional championship of 2013/2014. Hence they should not be part of the General Assembly.

Sir, in consideration of the above, and taking into cognizance the fact that time is of essence, especially the fact that the candidates have to deposit their list latest October 29, 2014, at 3.00pm, we urge you to:

Compel the Homologation and Disciplinary Committee of the Southwest Region to immediately publish the Decision declaring General forfeiture of BOTAFOGO and Shark FC.

Compel the Homologation and disciplinary Committee of the South West Region to immediately publish the Decision of the Homologation and Disciplinary Commission of the meeting that was programmed for October 22, 2014. Urge the Disciplinary Committee of the Southwest Region to immediately declare both MUANEGUBA FC and SKISPODEF general forfeiture.

Urge the Homologation and Disciplinary Committee of the Southwest Region, to immediately apply the provisions of Article 91 of the Disciplinary code, which stipulates the demotion to a club declared general forfeiture and the suspension of its President for a period of five (5) years.

That BOTAFOGO FC, SHARK FC, MUANEGUBA FC and SKISPODEF should not be part of the Elective General Assembly of November 7, 2014.

While waiting for a favourable reply, accept our warm regards.

Yours Sincerely,

Nkongho Felix Agbor Anyior
Executive President General
Buea United FC